Summarizing a field with a domain ends up with numbers (code) instead of...
Summarizing a field with a domain ends up with numbers (code) instead of description, I’m wondering if there is a way to get the description instead of codes as a field with domain is summarized...
View ArticleRaster
Is their a way to in ArcGIS 10.1 Basic to Mosaic orthorphotos together? I remember in the old ArcInfo Command Line that I could esily mosaic orthophotos together. I've tried to look for something in...
View Article“Failed to delete a domain from the database”,
“Failed to delete a domain from the database”, It is correct that domains that are assigned to fields will not be deleted. Attachment 22011 My issue here is if there is a way to know which fields (of...
View ArticlePlotting Problems usin an HP Designjet T520
Hello All: We just upgraded our plotter from an HP 750C to an HP T520 with the hopes of creating maps with clearer aerial photography. The problem we are experiencing is that, when plotting a map with...
View ArticleIdentify tool is on the blink, now what?
State data info was one of the layers and by using the "Identify" tool, I could see New Jersey statistics; 1990 and 2000 population, total square miles, etc. What would happen if you don’t know...
View ArticleThe “table to domain” tool failed to import “Excel” table,
The “table to domain” tool failed to import “Excel” table, I have posted this thread before, and generously Whitley helped me to proceed. As this problem is continuously repeated, I’m highlighting it...
View ArticleField Name/Field Alias,
Field Name/Field Alias, • I’m not sure if there is an option by which one can set the default appearance of the attribute table of a feature class, i.e., whether to appear with its actual field name or...
View ArticleClipping multiple adjacent rasters to the extent of a polygon
Hi, I have many (approximately 1000) high resolution orthoimages of an area of Eastern Norway. I am only interested in a certain part of the dataset covering the centre of the region, however I am...
View ArticleDrawing -> Rectangle has curved outline by default. How to stop this?
See image attached. When you select Rectangle from the Drawing toolbar, it has a curved outside corner by default. This is surely not a rectangle, but anyway, how do I change the default setting? In...
View ArticleHow do I add a keyboard shortcut for the related tables function?
Hi there Could anyone please tell me how I create a keyboard shortcut for the related tables function for attribute tables? When I try to add a shortcut via customize, all I could find was the...
View ArticleHow to delete a feature class in ArcMap Catalog window Home Folder ?
From ArcMap's Catalog window, why can't I delete a feature class in a file geodatabase in the "Home" folder? IE, right click on the Geodatabase > Delete. It responds with popup: "Delete Failed-...
View ArticleProblem with ArcGis 9.3 multiple schema geodatabase upgrade to 10.1
Anyone who tried to upgrade a 9.3 ArcGis Geodatabase to 10.1 and failed with same error messages? Database: Oracle Messages in ArcCatalog 10.1 SP1 after Upgrade as user sde: Updating server...
View ArticleShapefile export issue - Arcmap is producing CAD files instead of Shapefiles
Dear ArcGIS community - Perhaps someone can offer some advice for this issue: I recently installed AutoCAD on this computer, and somehow, ArcMap is no longer exporting true shapefiles (.shp) but...
View ArticleClip to extent of Data driven pages not working
I'm trying to create a map series using the data driven page functionality. For the display purposes I need to clip a certain feature class to the extent of the current data driven page. However...
View ArticleArcPy with a Database Connection
I have a map with a database connection that we run an arcpy script against. The script needs to be able to read a field from the joined data. Is there a function in arcpy that can read from a joined...
View ArticleConvex Hull without an ArcInfo aka ArcGIS For Desktop Advanced License
The minimum bounding polygon tool in has a number of options for defining the min area around a set of points. A couple of the output geometry options are available at the basic level, but the convex...
View ArticleNewbie Dissolve Question
For a project I'm working for in class, (we're doing the project on a species count), I have intersected two .shp files. I've taken the resulting file and performed a Dissolve with "SUM" selected. Now...
View ArticleSurface Pro Stylus-Pen Tool Output Misaligned
Just started trying out ArcGIS 10.1SP1 on a Windows Surface Pro tablet. Tyring out ArcMap I am disappointed that the Pen Tool (on the Tablet toolbar) does not work correctly when drawing with the...
View ArticleDesktop 10.1 crashes when adding data from a 9.3.1 SDE DB
Good Morning, I just upgraded my desktop to 10.1 from 10.0 and am having difficulties adding data that still resides in 9.3.1 SDE SQL DB. I have win7 64-bit Arcgis Advanced 10.1 sp1 (also same thing...
View ArticleArcMap crashed while adding data from ArcGIS Online. Now loads really slowly
Hi there, I was trying to add a dataset to ArcMap from ArcGIS Online called "landtenuremaps". Attempting to add it caused a crash. I tried a couple more times, and each times caused a crash. After...
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