Graphic Elements disappear from Layout view when I switch back from Data View
All, Having an annoying issue with ArcMap 10.2. I have a map I'm building in Layout View and I've added my company logo, legend, rectange graphics, scale bar, etc... If I then switch to Data View and...
View ArticleNew to Forum help with Projections
Hello I am new to the Forum and am trying to find a way to apply a scale factor to a data set I want to bring into my project. Our images are in NAD83 Feet, NM state plain central coordinate system. In...
View ArticleGeoServer ArcAdmin v1.0
Hello, I have been developing an open source Toolbox for ArcGIS Desktop 10.x. It includes several tools for integration of GIS data between ArcGIS and GeoServer. You can directly upload raster and...
View ArticleHelp with coordiante systems
Hi there, I wanted to know how to change the geographical coordinate system (GCS) and the projected coordinate system (PCS) of the basemap (Oceans, from Arcgis basemaps? The problem is I have two...
View ArticleCreate Basemap using Tiled Cache
Dear Forum I have created a multi scaled basemap for the Middle East. The scales range from 1:9,000,000 down to 1:1,000 using the Google scales. The map contains hillshaded relief, places, parks and...
View ArticleCreate contour using an equation
I'm using ArcMap 10.1. I have a shapefile that is a long rectangle that represents an airport runway. The FAA has guidance that says that any building built within 20,000 feet of a runway has to be...
View ArticleMissing labels when previewing Arcgis Online in Acrmap
Hi all, I'm using Arcmap to create map with some labels but when I previewing Arcgis Online before publishing it does not show the map like I did in Arcmap. Attachment 31148 Please help me with this...
View ArticleArcMap 10.1 Add data and browse data issue - hangs, crashes, freezes, sluggish
Hi there - New to forums so forgive me in advance if I'm posting this in the wrong place. I know this issue has been discussed in previous threads but I still can't seem to resolve the issue. When I go...
View ArticleLabeling based on geographic position?
Hi everyone, I'd like to label some map features with numbers based on location. I want the feature furthest west to be labeled #1 and have the numbers increase as points go east. Is there a tool that...
View ArticleWindows 7 Migration Rollout - GIS Data Considerations
Looking for input, suggestions, tips, tricks, tools, automated processes, magic wands and spells... Our agency (state government) will soon be moving forward with a major Windows 7 Enterprise...
View ArticleError 000816 and the Load a Topology to a Parcel Fabric Tool
I've been trying to create a Parcel Fabric, and everything works well, even worked out my topology errors, until I get to this step. I'm running ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2.1 with an Advanced License, so I...
View ArticleLabeling A .kml or .kmz
I'm trying to export a shapefile or feature class to a .kmz or .kml with a label from the attribute table. I've tried X-Tools Pro (Export Data to KML) and choose the attribute field then export. That...
View ArticleCreating a weighted average of two attributes in same table and adding to map...
I have a polygon layer of numerical "Profit Zones" for a farm field in Iowa. In external tables, I have various types of corn that perform at different yields in each of those environments. I'm trying...
View ArticleWill print layouts created at v10 work with all later versions including 10.2.1?
Will print layouts (mxds) created at v10 work with all later versions of ArcGIS including 10.2.1, or will they need to be recreated? Thank you.
View ArticleCalculate compass heading in degrees between two points
Hi all Is there a way to calcualte the compass heading in degrees from the Main Office (point feature) to seven repeater towers (point features). How can I do that in ArcMap? thanks
View Articletime slider with polygons
Have done it with points, is it possible to use time slider with polygons?
View Articledisplay changing date on video exported by time slider
Trying to export a video from time slider and wish to display the date being shown, is there a way to do this?
View ArticleStyling based on m value
I am interested in styling a set of point features with different colors based on m-value. Is this possible? note: I am not interested in field-calculating an attribute to do this.
View Articleneed to require text input on a field (no blanks)
How do I create a rule that will not allow an editor to create a point feature without populating a field that will function as the PointID? the field needs to be text and I've already specified...
View ArticleCreate Route Feature Class
When creating Route feature class from a regular polyline feature class by using Create route tool, users have to be careful about the optional parameter called "Coordinate Priority". If users leave...
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