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Trouble with Join

I am trying to join an excel spreadsheet to a shapefile and I keep getting this message when trying to validate: Field names that match reserved words should not be used in database schema and can...

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Map Exporting - Widescreen Format - Suggestions

Folks in charge aren't completely happy anymore with the old standard portrait and landscape PDF maps and want to try something new, like a widescreen format, 16:9. Probably gonna have to go with an...

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Hello, I am new to ArcMap 10 and have been using File->Export Map, to get geotiff image files for aerial backgrounds. If I want a square aerial image, such as 6000 x 6000 pixels, resolution around...

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Newbie question

I am doing a tutorial from a book and it asked me to use 'Select by Attribute' to select "trailheads that are more than 1000 feet from a restroom". How do I go about doing this? I am confused. Any help...

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How to make this attribute query?

I need to make a query for a location attribute that selects features that start with numbers between 1 and 99999? does anyone know how to make a formula for this? Thanks.

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shapefile conversions

I have a shapefile with z values. A "3D shapefile" but I want to put it in a feature class within a geodatabase and it tells me that the spatial reference Z values don't match. How can I find the z...

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10.2.1 with AMD Phenom Processor

I was using 10.2 with no problem, but I recently upgraded to 10.2.1 and now everything I do in ArcMap takes forever. Just editing one single feature in a table, ArcMap has to redraw my entire screen....

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Raster Display - Background Value Not Always Uniform

Hey all, I've got a question regarding displaying rasters (assume a raster catalog with hundreds of images). We're only on Basic license level so I know catalogs are dated, it's just what we've got...

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Feature type of output layer

If a polygon feature type is joined to a line layer, with the lines as the destination table, what will the feature type of the output layer be? I believe that it would be line feature types for the...

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10.1 Mxd crashes - runtime error when opening data frame properties

I have an mxd with 6 data frames. Every time I try to open the main data frame properties to turn off an extent indicator, the mxd crashes. I sometimes get a runtime error (r6025). The original mxd is...

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Georeferenced PDF- Coords always displayed in WGS84, ArcMap or Adobe reader...

Adobe PDF reader has the ability to display and analyse geographic information (i.e. measure distances, areas, display coordinates) contained within a geo-PDF file which ArcMap has the ability to...

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How I can a topographical map from OziExplorer seen in arcgis desktop?

Dear Guru! If there is a set of pairs of files with the extensions .ozfx3 and .map (for each tile), how I can do from them topo layer in arcgis desktop? Thank you!

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ArcGIS 10.2 and windows 8

I have installed ArcGIS for desktop 10.2 on my laptop running windows 8 but I cant seem to be able to run tools like Select by Location which keeps failing with a blank error dialogue. On my other pc...

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Imported raster automatically gets a geo co-ordiante system

I am trying to import a raster and re-georeference it however when I import it into arcmap it already seems to latch on to a geographic coordinate system and hence I cannot correctly geo-ref it. This...

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Text bounding box and alignment problem

I've imported an annotation feature from an .e00 file, However text bounding boxes are much wider than the text itself. It is OK for text that is left-aligned, but for center-aligned ot right-aligned...

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ArcGIS 9.3.1 MXD-Corruption

Hi, I'm having troubles with some mxds running in ArcGIS9.3.1: We've just changed from personal to file geodatabase. When users are changing the extend in the map (by dragging or zooming) the map stops...

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Copied SDE Feature Class Keeps Original Name in ArcMap

Hi Folks, I am using an attribute standard in my SDE database. I keep an empty fc with the attributes I want in the database. When I am ready to create a new fc, I copy the empty, rename it, then load...

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Desktop Basemap issues: asking for UN / PW

When opening .mxd's with existing basemaps, or using the "Add Basemap" window, I am being prompted for a Username and PW for the Streetmap service http://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/services I...

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Cannot open map documents in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 saved from ArcGIS Desktop 10.1

Hi, I canĀ“t open two files that where saved a copy from ArcGIS Desktop 10.1. The error message is similar to the one in this article. http://support.esri.com/zh-cn/knowle...s/detail/35250 Is there a...

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SQLite with ArcGIS 10.2

Hello - I've been reading about using SQLite and have not been able to find the information I need to get this working. I have ArcGIS 10.2 installed. I used the python script below to create a new...

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