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Help new user of ArcMap

Hi all, I'm the new user of the ArcMap I don't know how to create a map or a layer to edit. Anyone can guide me step by step or show me where to download the project to do :( I just only use Esri Maps...

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Polygon dataset from MSSQL - edit and save

Preface, sorry if this has been asked before, just trying to figure this out. I've never used ArcGIS before today, playing around in the demo. GOAL; I have a SQL table with a geography field (along...

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Problem creating multilayer marker symbol

Hi, I have a problem when I want to create new multi layer symbol: 1. first layer is set to unlocked 2. second layer is locked But I can not see second layer, it seem like layer have some kind of...

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Linking excel table to GIS

I have been approached by a project manager to do research on the potential for an excel spreadsheet being linked to an .mxd in some manner. The idea is for them to be able to make changes in the...

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Set Data Sources not working

Hello, I am trying to change the geodatabase source for all but two layer files in my MXD file. I am using the Set Data Sources.. tool in the ArcCatalog tab. I select and change the layers in question...

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Determine What Has Locks on Address Locator

Does anyone know how you can determine what machine or service has a lock on an address locator? I am working in the v10.0 environment.

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How to sort the 'Coded Values' of Domains in geodatabase

Does anyone know how to sort the values in the drop-down list in the attribute table of a feature, or to sort the 'Coded Values' of Domains in geodatabase?

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Join by Attributes to a dataset having a definition query: target records...

When I join two datasets, let's call the target dataset A, and the dataset to which I am joining B, B having a definition query imposed on it, I find the following behavior which seems to be a bug. The...

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Basemap/Layer/Add Data problem

Ok so was in the middle of working on a project and the first basemap layer I added worked perfectly. I selected the .shp file and done. But now when I go to add data or a new layer, nothing is showing...

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Basemap not up to date

Hi, I've found that the basemap I'm getting (World_Imagery) is not the most up to date version. I only noticed because myself and someone else on a different computer exported the same mapdocument and...

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Project transform from ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA to Greek Grid

Can you please tell me if there is a way to make a raster transformation between these two projections?

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ArcMap crash on "Share as Tile Package"

Hello, I am trying to create a tile package (.tpk) with ArcMap. It hangs for about 10 minutes on "preparing to generate tiles", and task manager shows ArcMap as Not Responding. And then it moves onto...

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Forming a field of type geometry in Geodatabase

Dear Gurus ! There is a table events with fields X, Y - containing the coordinates of points, which must be registered in the geodatabase. Created geodatabase cuks_gdb with standard tools of arcgis...

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Esri Attribute Assistant Add-In from ArcGIs 10.0/10.1

Hi all Is there away to hide/show some of the Attribute Assistant buttons? Thanks

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Color coding labels based on a differnet classes

I seem to be stuck on this problem. I have a layer that has fields in the attribute table for permit numbers and permit types, among others. I am trying to label a map document, using the banner text...

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Sharepoint integration

This question has been getting unanswered since 2010. Is there ANY way to access the data in a sharepoint list in arcmap? I want a dynamic link - not 14 export steps and I do NOT want to use ESRI maps...

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Proximity analysis based on matching ID fields

I'm looking for a solution to calculate the distance between points from different feature classes with a matching ID field. Essentially, the Point Distance analysis but based on matching ID's and not...

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Feature classes are not displayed in ArcMap

Hi there! I' m getting quite fed up these days with ArcGIS not displaying feature classes I created... I created polygons (in version 9.3), and now I'm using the .mxd file in 10.2 and these feature...

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Arc Catalog Maintains locks unnecessarily

I do not understand why Arc Catalogue maintains a lock on any layer or dataset that it has ever visited. The user only has to click such an entity and preview it for ArcCatalogu to maintain a lock on...

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Strange text adding a Title to a map layout.

I have been working through some examples from the book "GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS10 Volume I" In many of the examples from Chapter 3 dealing with layouts the user is instructed to use the Title option...

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