Updating an existing shapefile or geodatabse and displaying those new records
Hi there! I am a college student with a cursory familiarity with ArcGIS 10 (i.e., I took an intro class). Here is my scenario I started with a table in a database that contained a large number of...
View Articleempty values in string column casuing error on Merge
I am trying to merge two point datasets using the Merge tool in Data Management. I received an error: ERROR 00278: Failed on output OID7, could not write value "" to [output field] I saw then that this...
View ArticleImporting Tracks from Terrain Navigator Pro
I've recently started using ArcMap 10.1, but prior to this have been using Terrain Navigator Pro. I need to move all the tracks stored in TNP into ArcMap, but cannot seem to get the coordinate system...
View ArticleDates BC in Time Slider
How do I use the Time Slider with historical dates BC/BCE or in the early centuries (three digits) AD? I've tried time-enabling string, numerical, and date fields, but Time Slider only seems to...
View ArticleCoordinate Conversion
I have a table with several thousand points all of which do not have the same coordinate system. There are roughly 5 different coordinate systems defined in the file. There is also a field that details...
View ArticleExport Event Layer to Shapefile with Tool for Model Builder
Hi, Is there a tool or a python function to export an event layer to shapefile. I usually do this by right clicking the event layer, choosing Data/Export Data. I'm trying to use Model Builder to...
View ArticlePurple Backgroun Displayed Instead of Basemap
I have a MXD with a custom layer, the World_Boundaries reference layer, and the World_Imagery basemap layer. When I tick the World_Imagery layer, ArcMap shows a completely purple screen. What can I do...
View ArticleAdd Attachments and Export to KML
Using ArcGIS Advanced 10.1, I want to use the Add Attachments tool to add photos to a feature class then export the feature class as a kml/kmx and have Google Earth users see the table information and...
View ArticleChange color for multipatch feature in ArcSDE
Hi I am trying to change the symbology of a multipatch feature stored in an ArcSDE database. But somehow it just stays as it is - black blocks. Any help is appreciated! Simon
View ArticleAccessing data from VPN server using ArcGIS Desktop
I have a seemingly simple question if someone could help me out. The company I work for needs the ability for multiple mappers to access the same data sets from different computers at different...
View ArticleWhat is the difference between the tool Add X Y Coordinates and Calculating...
Hello. I have a shapefile that I would like to add the x,y coordinates into its attribute table. I used the Add X, Y Coordinates tool from the toolbox. I then tried calculating the values within the...
View ArticleHow to add new layer to web map?
Brand new to working with web maps, so apologize if this is really basic or covered elsewhere, but didn't find it in a search. We have an existing web map that the planning department uses. I want to...
View ArticleCombine Raster, No results
I am trying to combine two rasters together but every time I do so I keep getting an "empty" output. That is there are no attributes and no "display" features. I have used the combine tool in past...
View Articleerro unhandled win32 exception registering SMRouterUI.dll and ToolboxEXT.dll
Hello, When i am installing the Service Pack 3 for ArcGis DeskTop I receive the error "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in msiexec.exe" This error occurrs when the msi is registering modules......
View ArticleArcGIS 10.2 for Home Use Source on Map
I just recently installed ArcGIS 10.2 for Home Use on my desktop. I noticed when I opened ArcMap that ESRI has placed a map citation on the bottom right corner of the map. I don't at all have a problem...
View ArticleDisplay X and Y - is there a limit to the amount of text which can be uploaded
I am trying to upload the contents of an excel spreadsheet to a geodatabase using ArcGIS 10.1 desktop (Standard version). I am using the 'Display XY Data' to add the table contents to the map, all my...
View ArticleProblems displaying XY data correctly
Hi there. I have a series of points marking areas just offshore into the sea that I'm trying to project as a new layer on top of my shapefile in ArcGIS, V10.1. I have made a spreadsheet with the x and...
View ArticleChange codepage in dbf-file
Hi, I want to work on a dbase-file copied from shape in Microsoft Office (MS Access Database Excel). Obviously, there is a problem with encoding German special characters like ä and ö. I carfully...
View ArticleModelBuilder & Its Exported Python Script
I tested ModelBuilder and Python scripts in such 2 scenarios. The results are posted below. Hopefully you can help me for some questions. Scenario One: No parameter in ModelBuilder 1) Run the...
View ArticleAdding lat and long to attriubute table
I have a layer that contains fields for Northing and Easting, and I need to convert them or add a field that is D,M,S,. I believe there is a tool for this but I can find it. Can anyone help me?
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