line extending problem...
Hi everyone; My problem is ; I have a pipeline data which I took from CAD data. There are some point between the lines... Actually, pipeline must be connected on this points. As you see in the pict...
View ArticleHow to Manage Multiple Splicing Connections at the same time..??
Dear Experts, I need your help in my project, We Have a regular task that need to use connection editor to connect Fiber Cable pairs for different splicing locations so normally as follows: 1. Go to...
View ArticleField Calculator Help!
I have two fields. One of which contains post office numbers [post_offic] and another that will contain place names [PLACENAME]. I am attempting to take those post office numbers and populate the...
View ArticleWhere are feature sets saved in ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1?
Hello, I've recently upgraded to ArcGIS for Desktop version 10.1 and noticed that I can now save feature sets in my map documents. I seem to recall that these were lost after closing a map document in...
View ArticleAnno in map v. anno in geodatabase
Some of you might find it easy, and that is why I am here. I just cannot settle on one robust way of labeling feature classes. Case: I have one feature class (PavingCuts) These paving cuts take place...
View ArticleERROR ID: 243
I am attempting to run topology on line feature class that represent contour line intervals in lakes. I am getting the following error... Validate Topology failed. A failure was detected insited the...
View ArticleArcMap- How to create accurate buffers between points along a roadway
Hello, I'm using ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 and need the ability to create a line or polygon buffer between points along a roadway (line) feature class. Here's the scenario: We need to create a spacing buffer...
View ArticleTrouble geographic transformation from NAD83 to Clarke 1866
Hello, When attempting to project a shapefile from NAD83 to Clarke 1866 Lambert Conformal Conic, I am required to select a geographic transformation. I could not locate the Clarke 1866 projection in...
View ArticleKriging Around an Island?
Hello Forum, I have been working with several different interpolation tools to create the most accurate surface from sample point data of a waterbody surrounding an island. The only problem is that the...
View ArticleSQL Server tables return no rows when connected to DB name that begins with...
In Desktop 10.1, if you connect to a SQL Server database with a name that begins with a number (127CitiesData) no rows are retrieved when viewing tables or views. I have tried surrounding the database...
View ArticleError: “Unable to complete operation” on querying layer for 10.1 SP1
Hi, We are getting an error “Unable to complete operation” when we are trying to query using the interface provided by the rest URL. Environment Details: • Operating System: Windows 7 • Arc GIS 10.1...
View ArticleJoin losing Fields
I have a Feature Class and am trying to Join an Excel file to it. The Join is working, as in all the Data matches and shows up from the excel file, with no warning messages. The problem I'm having is...
View ArticleShare As Topography Package Resource Utilization
Greetings, I kicked off a Topography Package export two days ago. It is still running. It took 20 hours for level 16; I expect 17 to take a few days. I noticed that the process is only running on a...
View ArticleTrouble with Image Services
I'm having monumental problems with image services, both with basemaps from and from GIS Servers (like USDA-NAIP). I add the layers and sometimes they draw but often they don't and the...
View ArticleSet empty strings to null
How do I calculate field to replace empty strings with Null? I realize there is a Set Null tool available with the spatial analyst extension. Without this is there another way?
View ArticleChange background color in ArcMap 10.1
Hi, I have a very simple question. In Arc Map 10.1, the default background color (where this is no data) is white. How can I change this to a new color? Thanks
View ArticleEditing description of "All Other Values" within Symbology
Is there a way to edit the description of the <all other values> value within the Unique Values section on the Symbology tab? I am able to edit the unique values' descriptions, but not the master...
View Articlebug after several tool usages
Hi everyone, My ArcMap always crashes after selecting random tools after a few times. Some time ago, the windows which popped up after the error said something about "script", but now this windows...
View ArticleField Calculator Subtract Value From Previous Value
Hello, I have a field in my attribute table representing pipe lengths. In an empty field (Distance) I would like to subtract each pipe length from the previous value, thereby calculating the distance....
View ArticleConvert .nmf to .shp?
Hello, I recently downloaded a few files on ArcGIS explorer format .nmf and I want to convert them to .shp I have ArcGIS 10 and the ArcGIS Explorer Notes Integration...
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