Export TIN surface as a TIN file
Hi, I wonder how I can export a TIN surface as a file with a ".tin" extension. I created a TIN surface in ArcMAP using LiDAR data. Now I want to export that TIN surface as "tinsurface.tin". Can anyone...
View ArticleGeoTIFF image footprint
What's the best way to create an image footprint polygon of a GeoTIFF using Arc 10.2 Standard?
View ArticleProject tool errors after 19k records
I have a multipoint class with ~ 412K records created from LAS data using LAS to Multipoint. The LAS data was created in NAD_1983_NSRS2007_UTM_Zone_14N, meters. Our data is in...
View ArticleAttachment Table
I'm trying to import or connect a large number of PDF's as attachments to one of my feature classes using the attachment tool in 10.2 but can't figure out how to use the match table it creates, there's...
View ArticleUse Reporting Services to generate "mini tables"
Hi, Here's what I'd like to do, as it's being done manually right now. Use a Report Template (RLF) to produce "mini tables" on an Arcmap layout. Each record in my table has a cooresponding location on...
View ArticleUniique Number
How do i make my Parcel Number unique and stop from allowing Duplicates in ArcMap 10.2
View ArticleBusiness Analyst toolbar disappears
We have arcgis10.0 and BA 10.0 with all available SPs installed. When we open an existing .mxd file the BA toolbar isn't displayed. Saving the .mxd with the toolbar displayed is not sufficient: when...
View ArticleArcMap 10: Labels not appearing
i'm working in a stand-alone application using arcEngine , arcSDE geodatabase , VB.net so my problem is that i can't appear the features label for some featuresClass. when i opened it in arcMap to test...
View ArticleError adding wms server
When I tried to add a wms server in ArcCatalog, the following message came up: "The URL you passed in uses a protocol that is not supported." . The WMS Server is the following...
View ArticleHow do I know when the snapping tolerance has been changed in ArcEditor
Is there an event I can listen to in order to know when a user has changed the snapping tolerance? I'd rather not look it up every time a user tries to use my custom snapping agent. Thanks, -Bill
View ArticleArc map runs really slow on my new computer
So we upgraded my xp machine to windows 7 professional,with intel core i7 CPU and 16GB RAM and 64 bit system.. and Guess what arc map 10.0 runs real slow on my system, even simple commands like...
View ArticleNeed Access to ArcGIS 10.0
Where I work is upgrading ArcGIS from 10.1 to 10.2, so I can't run HAZUS MH 2.1 on these machines. This version of HAZUS MH requires a 10.0 ArcGIS license, so HAZUS-MH has been useless for quite some...
View Articledraw circle with predefined radius
arc gis 9.3. How do i draw a circle on a map with a known radius? I can draw the circle but can not figure out how to set the radius. I want to draw a circle with a radius of 150 mi on a map. Also,...
View ArticleSearch not working
Hello I have ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1 with SP 1 installed. When I enter a search term in the Search tool it says "The search did not match any document." I can see the System Toolboxes when I click the...
View ArticleBasemap Layer delays ArcMap starting TOC and map display
I added a new basemap layer to my table of contents (TOC). It works fine and has a good performance. But when I close ArcMap and restart ArcMap, it takes about one minute untill Arcmap loads the TOC...
View ArticleArcCatalog - Reference System
I am in the process of developing a tool to check for metadata compliance and one of the required elements is 'reference system' (found under Spatial Reference in ArcCatalog). I am finding that some...
View ArticleAutomating descriptive field entries in Field Calculator
I am trying to add a new descriptive field in a point shapefile of several thousand entries and haven't had much like with the VB scripts in the field calculator. Ideally I would like to grab values...
View Articleshowing line dangles & overshoots in real time?
Now that 10.2 is out, perhaps there is a way to set ArcMap or ArcEditor to show line dangles or overshoots as lines are created, without having to run a topology check? (This used to be possible in...
View ArticleGeoreferencing rasters
Hello, I am trying to follow the instructions in this video to change the georeferencing of a raster dataset: http://resources.arcgis.com/gallery/...2-F45730292D87 My problem is that when I bring in my...
View ArticlePrint Preview Corruption
Hello, I am using arcGIS basic. 10.1 SP1. I have been having an issue with the print preview. When I initiate the preview the layout screen clips through as soon as the preview in done drawing. This...
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