ImportFromESRISpatialReference() method in ArcEditor 10
We have a wktString string which does not have PROJECTION info as below. 'sWkText =...
View ArticleArc GIS server based Desktop V 10 - Not working using Data Card
Hi There, We are using ARC GIS v 10 (server based) in our organization. Most of the employees are working remotely using data card in windows 7 version. If we are working in windows XP this is working...
View ArticleError 000229 with ModelBuilder Iterator
Hello everyone. - This is a very aggravating ModelBuilder error and could use some help. I have a simple model to batch-clip layers using an iterator. (See screenshot below). The model fails with a...
View ArticleAdd Query Layer issue with MS SQL Server 2008
I have been facing problem with “Add Query Layer” in ArcGIS 10.1 (SP1). I have SQL Server Enterprise Database 2008 as backend database. When I try to add a query layer with query, Select * from...
View ArticleBuffer points 7m then spatial join vs spatial join with 7m search radius?
Hi, Does using a search radius in a spatial join give the same result as applying a buffer first and then spatial joining to the buffers? I have a set of points, and a line feature class. I want to...
View ArticleHow to rearrange "Tools" toolbar
In version 9.3, I can get my "Tools" toolbar to look like this: Attachment 20660 however, I cannot do the same using version 10, as it's just stays horizontal. How can get version 10 to have the...
View ArticleImporting .e00 file error
Hi all, I am trying to import a .e00 file into Arc. I have looked everywhere online with no success. I use ArcGIS10. I can successfully access the 'Import from E00' tool. There is a little red circle...
View ArticlePrint to pdf Crashes .mxd
Map crashes (stops responding) when I attempt to print to a pdf, I have been using Acrobat Pro 7 for a long time to create maps and map books. Machine was upgraded to Windows 7 and I started having...
View ArticleCreating a vbscript label expression to only display 1st character in a string
Hello everyone - I am trying to label a field that contains string data so that only the 1st character is labeled. For example, one of the values within the field is "Residential". I would like the...
View ArticleCode Not Working after Converting from VBA to Add-In
I am trying to migrate an MXD stored VBA app that works fine in 9.3.1 to an Add-In for 10.1 (with VS 2010). The issue is that my button launches a dialog window where the users enters a parcel ID...
View ArticleED1950 to WGS 84 transformation
Hi, I have a boundary located near the Portugal/Spain border that I wish to clip some SRTM data to. The boundary was supplied in ED 1950 UTM 29, whilst I also have a point file in the same projection...
View ArticleProblem with world file format?
I want to get an image of a map in a format so that a Garmin GPSMap 60CSx can display it. I read about using Moagu to create the required file. Moagu requires a GeoTiff file so I used ArcMap to export...
View ArticleArcMap 9.3 crashes completely using field calculator or exporting attribute...
Hi, I have a points feature class to which I have joined a lines feature class. I have previously added some new empty fields to the points fc which I want to calculate based on certain fields in the...
View ArticleArcView 10.0 - Calculate Geodesic area in Calculate Field with Python?
Hi, In a polygon shapefile in geographic WGS84, I am trying to get the geodesic area in square kilometers using new Python fonctionalities with the Calculate Field, as explained in ArcGIS Ressource, in...
View ArticleMap Legend
Can you have a line feature class that shows a line on the map, for example a solid line but a picture symbol in the legend as this is required for display purposes? I am using ArcGIS 10.1 Standard and...
View ArticleProjection transformation issues
I downloaded some data from a government agency and the data came in alaska albers 83. The problem is that our project data is in UTM 83 zone 4. When I try to reproject our data to Albers83, it won't...
View ArticleError: “failed to add a field to the table/feature class”
Error: “failed to add a field to the table/feature class” I tried to add a field to the attribute table of a feature class but I got the message below: Attachment 20712 What might be the issue? Is...
View ArticleRectangle text boxes moving upon resizing
Has anybody had any issues with the rectangle text boxes re-sizing the opposite axis from the one that you're changing? I update the y-axis size, but the x-axis size expands. As far as I remember, this...
View ArticleIgnore words in single field based locator
Hello, I am customizig spelling parameters of General.lot.xml file to match my needs but I didn't mind how to ignore some generic words of my adresses. Is there a tree element of the file like...
View Articleproblem saving to other path's during editing in arcmap10.1
I have an issue with saving data when I try to edit. If I go into the geoprocessing or create to features, the system gives me an error if I try to specify a path other than the Default. I need to get...
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