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Change report data source?

Hello all, I'm using 10.1 ArcEditor. I have a report (.rlf) file that I created based on an old table. I have a new table that I want to run the report on but it doesn't let me simply point it to the...

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What Coordinate System / Datum is this?

Hi all! I am struggling to identify the coordinate system of a given set of data. It is a list of geological outcrops in Germany. They are (roughly) located SE of the city of Detmold,...

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graph in html popup

Hello, This is path i've used in <img src='C:\CAA\folder\mygraph.grf' width="500px" border="0" /> but it is not showing in the html popup, using the xsl template which I modified. Help please....

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metadata not saving

Hi, I'm creating metadata for a number of files working in v10.1. I have doine a number of shape files fine, but working now on some geotiff raster files I have issues. In arc catalog I select "Item...

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Save and Reuse Custom Color Ramp

Hello, I am not sure if my Title accurately depicts my question or not, but here it goes... I am working on a zoning map for a municipality where I am using an existing layer file with a field called...

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Embedded Mobile Viewer Component Disappearing Features

I am new to this forum and this position... hopefully this is the correct forum... We are using a product called Mobile Laptop from Clevest. The application displays a map with streets, grids, and...

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Project to Lambert Conformal Conic custom parameters

Hi guys, this time I have an odd problem and would like some advice. A few years ago, mexican geography authority decided to change the official datum/projection from a well-known datum to a kind of...

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Do you wish to overwrite?

Why does ArcGIS say: "The object named ".........shp" already exists. Do you wish to replace it?" and then refuse to overwrite the feature? This, coupled with my other question, seems to mean I have to...

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Can't delete SHAPE_Length and SHAPE_Area from table, not feature layer

v10.0 SP5. I exported the table from a feature layer. It's now a table, so no spatial objects. And yet still ArcGIS won't let me delete the two fields SHAPE_Length and SHAPE_Area. Why is this? I...

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Polygon/Polyline Grid Matrix

Hi, I am trying to create a grid matrix for a task and was wondering if anyone can help. I have searched the forums and other sites with no joy! I have created a fishnet grid of 1 x 1 metre squares (as...

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Time Slider Issues

It seems like I cannot document any prior animation work I've done as each new project uncovers some new weirdness with this animation tool. Anyway.... I have Raster Catalog of 500 individual rasters...

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How to make annotation layer draw on top of feature labels

I've set the anno weight as HIGH and the two label layers in questions as LOW. But the labels will still draw on top of the annotations. Is there something I'm missing or is it just not ever going to...

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how to make sure polygons have no holes between them

Have produced a map using polygons and want to make sure that there are no gaps between them. Is there a way to do this?

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Terrasync Exporting Problems

Hello, I am currently using Terra Sync on Juno3B and Pathfinder to collect and export field data of some trees. For the past few sessions of field collecting, i have been able to export my features as...

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VB Scripting Error in Field Calculator

Hi everyone, I'm trying to use scripting for the first time in ArcGIS and keep getting errors. I'm trying to calculate the value for a new field based on the value of an existing field. The values I'm...

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Hyperlink to specific cell in an Excel Spreadsheet

I am trying to set up hyperlinks in my map to specific cells within an excel spreadsheet. My problem isn't with the hyperlink process itself, I already have my hyperlink to the spreadsheet in question...

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Place XY coordinates in meter S & E of a control point at thier real locations

I'm helping a researcher who has very old coordinates taken from a text that describes well locations for a village in S. America. The X and Y coordinates are simple measures of distance South and East...

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Cannot add data from ArcGIS Online

Hi all, This query isn't particularly affecting my work but it is just a tad annoying! I don't have the ability to add data from ArcGIS online anymore. I used to have the button in the drop down list...

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Dynamic Text for Time Eabled Layer

Is there a way to replace the dynamic text "time" label in an animation (Time Slider) with values from an attribute? I don't want the animation steps to label with the date, I want it to label with a...

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Eliminate duplicate line vertices

I have a large number of parcel line features, and am running the topology rule 'Must not intersect or touch interior'. For some unknow to me reason, a few hundred of them have duplicate vertices at an...

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