10.0 - Unable to test for null values in Field Calculator. Why not?
I have a short integer field. I'm trying to perform some field calculations, and need to reassign null values. None of these options work in 10.0 SP5's field calculator: 1 if !INVASV_PCT! is None 1 if...
View ArticleBacking Up Favorites in ArcGIS 10.1 Help
Is there a way to backup the "Favorites" that I've added to ArcGIS 10.1 Help? And if so, can they be ported over to 10.2? Christopher J. Morneau GIS Analyst Los Angeles County Dept of Regional Planning
View ArticleQuery Layer connection to SQL Server 2008 has truncated column names
I'm using Add Query Layer to connect to a view in SQL Server 2008. This is the first time I've connected to a view that doesn't have a single field I can specify as the unique ID column. The...
View Articletrying to learn how to visualize a travel speed difference?
I am new to ArcMap and have been trying to work through a problem- I would like to display the relationship between points based on distance, speed travelled and time. So- If I have one location that...
View Article“Spatial join” with “are identical to” match option,
“Spatial join” with “are identical to” match option, I have two polygons layers (attached) that are completely identical to each other except at 3 or 4 polygons. Attachment 27318 I wanted to transfer...
View ArticleCan you ID the projection issue in this map?
Take a look at the attached image from ArcMAP. These are two sets of GPS collected point data that should be more or less coincident. The green points on the right are in the correct location, the...
View Articlespatial join line
I have two shape file with lot of identical lines. I need to copy attributes to from one shape line to another. Bat when i make spatial join there is new table fild. Example NARUCITELJ and...
View Articleupgrading to 10.2 .net framework error
Hi all, after the upgrade from 10.1 to 10.2 I receive a .net framework error: linked to assembly of "Lucene.net" and in general the application is unstable; ad example simply launching the "search" it...
View ArticleNeed help - change map 'centering'
Arc 10.1 user. Newbie. Basic world map from media kit (country.shp), GCS_WGS_1984, D_WGS_1984, PrimeMeridian = Greenwich. I have a large amount of XY points that I have added and they display properly....
View ArticleUnregistering Addin using ESRIREGADDIN
I am struggling to find right syntax for unregistering addin using a bat file. path=%path%; "%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%"\ArcGIS\bin\ESRIRegAddIn.exe {5980f3b2-f335-47c4-bfd4-bfa181dd9c4d} /u Problem...
View ArticleUnable to open ArcGIS 10 .mxd files
I currently have several maps that will not open. When I try to open them the program acts like it is opening but the map never opens. I have let them "grind" for ten or fifteen minutes with no results...
View ArticleArcMap Crashing
Hi is anybody experiencing a strange behaviour from ArcGIS destop - ArcMap. I've been using only postcode sector and joined it with my values - usual stuff - and suddenly when trying to displaye the...
View ArticleIssues customizing toolbars in Desktop 10.1 (SP1)
Lately, I've been having issues with the buffer tool (geoprocessing) failing when attempting to dissolve results. A coworker suggested using the Buffer Wizard instead. Unfortunately, I can't try it...
View Article“Build overviews” of a mosaic generates damaged rasters,
“Build overviews” of a mosaic generates damaged rasters, I wanted to build overviews for a particular raster but sounds that I got a destroyed rasters Attachment 27367, Attachment 27368, Attachment...
View ArticleADD DATA 9.2
Hello, I'm trying to add data (a GDB file on another computer) and I can't navigate to the destination I want. It seems I can only add data tha's on my computer. Can I have all my data on one computer...
View Articleprojections and georeferencing
Hey guys, I've been learning about georeferencing the last couple days and I can't seem to find a straightforward answer about projections with respect to georeferencing. Does my un-georeferenced...
View ArticleQuestion on graphics card
Hi, My question is rather simple yet I'm unsure if I should be posting it on this forum but I haven't seen a technical forum so here it goes (feel free to redirect me to the right forum if you know...
View ArticleNew feature dataset based on random selection of points
Hi! I'm trying to generate a random selection of 100 points from a layer and exporting this selection to a new shapefile. I manged to select random points using the "Create random points" tool but it...
View ArticleExporting georeferenced pdf - wrong coordinates
Using ArcMap 10.1 and Adobe Acrobat 1.1.8, I am working on pdf map exports with embedded coordinates known as georeferenced pdf format (or 'geopdf'). When I do this export from a map having WGS84...
View ArticleBing Maps Hang up in GIS 10.0
I have a problem with GIS hanging up and not opening my mxd files. I was able to partially fix the solution by creating a new network profile - just doing the reset mentioned in other posts was not...
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