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Fire Spread Modeling

Hello I am building a fire spread model; I have use the Focal Statistics to indicate the wind direction, I wonder what can be used to insert the wind speed; any help is much appreciated. Regards, Riad

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Dynamic text formatting decimals

Hi, anyone knows if it's possible to format dynamic text on data driven pages to only have a certain number of decimals. For instance instead of showing 3,699881 it should be 3,7. The fields are...

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Relative node relationship with direction

Hi everyone, this is my first post here and I’m fairly new to using ArcGIS (4 months on and off mainly getting data rather than manipulating and creating). I am a student using ArcMap 10 for a traffic...

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Parcel Fabric

Hello everyone, I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask about this so if it wrong, please excuse me. I am trying to create a parcel fabric for a project and I am pretty much lost. I have the...

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route identifier field in event table

I have an excel spreadsheet that I am trying to use as an event table to display types of underwater bottom cover. When I use the "Make Route Event Layer", it asks for the "Route Identifier" field. The...

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tolerance issues with feature classes when doing spaital queries in ArcGIS...

Hi there I wasn't sure where to post the following question as it spans multiple forum sections. The organisation I am working for have some feature classes stored in an SDE geodatabase. The boundaries...

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Splitting data from 1 table into 2 tables

Hi Everyone, I get regular spreadsheet deliveries and/or shapefile deliveries for an ongoing project. Right now all data in these go directly into 1 Oracle/SDE table. However, the Oracle/SDE table is...

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Pictometry Images in ArcCatalog

To All ArcGIS for Desktop Users: I have a directory where SID images are stored as well as Pictometry images (.pmi). When I am logged into the computer I can see both image types in this directory in...

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Dissolve tool - Does not dissolve self overlapping line

Hello, I am trying to dissolve a linear feature class and I am running into a strange problem. The linear feature does overlap itself, and whenever I perform the dissolve function (using 'LineName'...

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Inserting Custom Map Template

Hafa Adai From Guam, I've been tring to figure out how to insert a custom template... We deal with land survey plats and i would like to insert our survey plat templates be included with the outher...

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Raster to Ascii - 'No VIsible Layers'

I am trying to convert a few raster layers into ascii so that I can use the MCDM tool in Idrisi. The 'raster to ascii' tool appears to create the appropriate ascii files. However, when I import these...

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how to batch "export data"?

I get a lot of adf format files needed to be converted to shp files. Using context menu of layer, data→export data, convert a layer to shp file one layer by one layer will be a huge work. How can I...

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Schema lock

Hello, I'm working with a mdb in Arcinfo 10.0 sp5 on a network drive. My problem is that I cannot add a field to a FC because my machine has a lock on it. I'm able to edit other FCs within the mdb but...

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How to print to PDF?

According to other threads, one of the fixes to the problem with odd text characters when exporting to pdf is to print to pdf instead. This may be a simple question, but how do you do that? I don't see...

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CAD Lines to Polygon - Shared Lines

The way the data is drawn, the shared lines at zoning boarders are not duplicated per feature, rather it is one line dedicated to one feature or another. This makes the line to polyline functions...

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Question: How to add geodatabase table to arcmap 10 using python code

I am using ArcMap 10 with SP5. I am trying to add a file geodatabase table to my ArcMap document using Python Code. I can add layers, but cannot seem to get it to work for tables. For layers, I am...

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Creating a custom grid - HELP!

All, I have never used the tool and not really getting the results I want! Can anyone help...this is an example of what I am trying to make! Attachment 25979 Attached Thumbnails  

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model builder question

Hello I am building a model that will run a buffer and selection aroud a point "event". I need the event to be selected by the user, because the "events" feature class contains several events but i...

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Attribute table appears empty until features are selected

I have a multiple layers that show features in the data frame and the layers are editable and labeled, but when you open the attribute table for these layers, it's empty. The only way to get the...

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000383 : Issue with a table; cannot find the workspace -when running Make...

Dear all, I tried to run the Make Query Table tool from ArcMap on 2 entities: ShapeFileTest which is a shapefile and Values table which is a dbf table. I followed the steps described here...

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