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tolerance issues with feature classes when doing spaital queries in ArcGIS Server

Hi there

I wasn't sure where to post the following question as it spans multiple forum sections.

The organisation I am working for have some feature classes stored in an SDE geodatabase. The boundaries of all the feature classes should match perfectly but they don't. Both datasets are in the British National Grid format but one has a tolerance value of 0.002 and the other 0.00002. The usual BNG default is 0.001.

When doing spatial queries in ArcMap, the tolerances are taken into account and features overlapping only slightly are ignored. However when doing the same spatial queries via ArcGIS Server or MapObjects, results within the tolerance are included when they should not be. A colleague spoke to ESRI sometime ago and was effectively told it is all working as designed.

Does anyone know if the problem might be caused by the tolerance levels being different betwewn the two feature classes? Has anyone else experienced this or a similar problem?

I can't believe ESRI would want inconsistency across products to be part of the overall product design process. As I was involved at the time the support call was raised, I don't know the full story other than they didn't find a solution at the time.

What I am now trying to do if locate where the features do not match and find away of removing them. I am looking at setting up a test file geodatabase complete with a feature dataset with topology enabled. However I need to convert the feature classes so they both have the same topolgy before exporting them into the feature dataset.

The other problem I have is that ArcMap does not see these non matches as errors, where as ArcGIS Server does.

I am working with ArcGIS 10.0.4. Their are two non versioned SDEs locally which are hosted by SQL Server 2008. I believe one is in a version 9.2 format and the other a verion 10 format.

If anyone has any helpful hints or suggestions on this I would be grateful if they could please post them here.

UPDATE: Following on from my earlier comments. I have not been able to import the data into the feature dataset. I keept getting error 9999. Even when I change the environment... tolerance settings to 0.001 and the XY resolution 0.0001 it fails. I am trying to convert the existing feautre tolerance and resolutions to to 0.001 and 0.0001 respectively so that I can then add a topology to them in the feature dataset.

Kind regards


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