How to stop zooming out to full extent when pressing 'Insert' on keyboard
Hello, I'm doing some repetitive editing work and have done this a couple of times now and wish to know how to turn it off. When I hit 'Insert' on my keyboard the data view zooms out to the full extent...
View ArticleHow to remove "Click here to see templates not listed" nuisance
How do I get the Create Feature box to STOP telling me to "Click here to see templates not listed." I work with the same MXD and same database everyday. I don't need to be told this every time I open...
View ArticleCan't Join BIGINT field: Add Field to Temporary Table View?
Is it possible to add & calculate a temporary field in a temporary table view? I'm using ArcView 9.3. My problem is this: I have a SQL table that I need to link to an SDE layer. The primary key in...
View ArticleCannot view elements added to the graphics container at high zoom levels
I am adding ICharacterMarkerSymbols elements to the graphics container and all draws fine, until I zoom in really far, say about a map scale of 200 or about a view of 40m across. Once I zoom out again,...
View ArticleRecords Missing After Join
Trying to do a very simple join, but running into a weird issue, and I can't find a solution here on the forums.... I'm joining a table (Table A) of 398 records to a table of 392 records (Table B) in...
View Articleempty MXD filled with garbage!!
continuation of: so I've also been having very slow load times for new MXDs, up to 3 minutes to open a new blank document (using 10.0 sp3) I save...
View ArticleHow can I show the metadata of a mxd file?
Hello, I already have a piece of code that show the metadata of a layer; Dim m_fso As Object = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim m_GxFile As ESRI.ArcGIS.Catalog.IGxFile = New GxFile Dim...
View ArticleTable of Contents
I feel dumb. I have the table of contents open in ArcMap 10. Layers are visable. I am in the "list by drawing order" tab of the table. I cannot click and drag layers to reorganize my order nor click...
View ArticleAutomatically Updating Field Based Upon Separate Update
I'm not sure if this is a dumb question or not but is there a way to update fields in different tables by just updating a field within a main table. For example, I need to update household counts every...
View ArticleDetermining Locations
Hello I am trying to determine a location based off of garmin map 76 gps unit set to UTM zone 11 and NAD 83 datum. But I can not figure out how to add the coordinates the coordinates that i have are...
View ArticleGiving intersecting areas a different symbology?
Hi Folks Is this one possible? I have a layer of polygons (which are actually buffers but think that is irrelevant), and some of them overlap. What I would like to do is to be able to symbolise the...
View ArticleDefine as UTM Feet
I have a cad set said to be UTM 14N (Feet). I can successfully perform cad to geodatabase process. Once completed I defined feature dataset as UTM 14N meters (as feet is not optional). My goal is to...
View ArticleShapefile Issue
Hi all, Ok, so I'm a little old to ArcGIS and I'm slowly trying to relearn it all. Recently I was adding a shapefile from someone else in my office and I noticed that the shapefiles were off just...
View ArticleOverlapping Polygon to Raster
I have a polygon file that represents wildland fires. I want to convert this file to a raster file that shows how many times an individual pixel burned (many of the fires overlap within the multi-year...
View ArticleClipping Raster to Polygon
I have a raster with 30m resolution, and I want to clip it using much smaller polygons. In the attached image, the pink and grey pixels are my original raster, and the blue pixel is what was returned...
View ArticleQuadrant Analysis
Hello All, I would like to perform quadrant analysis for a set of point data in ArcGIS 10. Based on my search results I found quadrant analysis is available in Arcview. I wanted to know is there any...
View ArticleLabeling from a many to many relationship class
I have created a many-to-many relationship class for our sewer mains showing the years that they have been cleaned. I am looking at labeling the years cleaned in a map and can't figure out a way to...
View ArticleCut/paste and preserve
Are there any setting you can change such that when you cut and paste it will preserve attributes? I am updating an electric system. A lot of OH has been rebuilt to UG. It would be great to simply be...
View ArticleLock file problem, possible bug?
I've got a problem where a feature class lock file is not going away when it should. I discovered the problem when developing an ArcMap add-in using a file geodatabase, but I drilled it down to a...
View ArticleGPS Transformations in ArcView
Hello, I am using a tablet pc with integrated GPS. Turns out the gps itself only supports/reads in WGS84 global coordinates. Is it possible within the GPS toolbar in ArcView, to setup a transformation...
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