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exporting an orthorectifictified image will not save

I was hoping someone could help me out with orthorectifying an image. I have .jpg image I wish to georeference and scale for relief based on a DEM layer (in the form of an .asc/ASCII) for the same...

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XP users beware of 10.2.2

When the Report tool refused to work in ArcEditor 10.2.2, tech support discovered that Windows XP is no longer supported in 10.2.2. He was puzzled about why, in a minor release, ESRI would drop XP. Had...

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Help would be greatly appreciated! (Summarizing data on ArcGIS 10.1)

Hi, I am relatively new to GIS and am facing some difficulties trying to summarize/pool data together and would definitely appreciate any form of advice/help! I've attached the file to make it easier....

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Unable to save edits

I am getting an error when trying to save edits. I am editing a number of point, line, and polygon feature classes in a checkout .gdb from our SDE. The specific error I am receiving is "Unable to save...

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problems exiting ArcGIS Desktop

Hi, I have a problem exiting ArcGIS Desktop 10.2. Everytime I close it, a window will jump out, saying "ArcGIS Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is unable to continue." But I did...

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ArcGIS 10.2 Spatial Join with "are identical to"

I use Spatial Join with "are identical to" to convert ID attribute from one join line layer to target line layer. The XY Tolerance is default. The problem is: two lines in join layer have different ID...

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PDF with hyperlink

The shape I made has hyperlinks. How can I export a map with that specific shape as a pdf in such a way that the hyperlink will still work in the pdf? Could anybody help me on this? Thanks in advance,...

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calculating values in a table

hello I have an attribute table and I would like to calculate the maximum value of each field (field1, field2 etc.) and then divide every value of this specific field, with this maximum value. For...

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Working with large datasets

I've been working in ArcGIS for a while but have limited experience with geodatabases. I have a very large file (>200,000 records) that I would like to display in ArcMap. I tried to add XY data and...

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Schema locks and file locks

Can anyone explain why file locks (schema locks for example: XXXXXX.shp.PCHP9040CNZ.2084.5664.sr.lock) persist after a shapefile or .dbf is removed from ArcMap? This has been a problem for years and it...

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Label - Multiple Lines from 1 field

I'm trying to label a text field in up to 3 lines with 28 character spacing on each line. I've written the following code and it works in excel but when I put it into ArcView, it labels anything that...

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Hello. I have an old fire scar data layer with a spatial reference of Sphere_ARC_INFO_Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area. I want this to align with a raster image layer in WGS84 UTM 23N. The fire scars are...

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Integrate private database into map

I work for a Land Brokerage firm. We have developed a database program to track the status of our current title and leasing projects. We would like to integrate that database and use it populate a map....

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GDB Compression - Errors

We have experienced a problem with a newly created file geodatabase. This gdb has feature classes created by multiple users, with one user maintaining the data. The gdb was compressed today, and we...

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What is the option in symbology, and why does it appear by default

I've never understood why <all other values> appears when symbolosing polygons (Categories -> Unique values) because normally there are no other values, so why ArcGIS insists on creating a...

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New user - please help with OS NT02 CRS transformation

Hi, I am a new user of ArcGIS and would be extremely grateful for help with CRS transformation. I am collecting archaeological polygon data with the Trimble Geo XT which is converted to a shapefile in...

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Basemap very slow to draw in ArcMap but fast in ArcGIS Online

In ArcMap, the speed at which the basemap (aerial or street) draws if incredibly inconsistent. One day it draws fairly quickly, the next day it's excrutiatingly slow. Sometimes, it just won't even...

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Legend Default Item Size - Map Automation

I have a map automation program. The problem is I have a set of map templates that I start off, saved, with existing blank Legend elements... and upon adding layers to the map using Python, the default...

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Geocoding - How to zoom to the feature?

I created a Address Locator on a Polyline M Feature Class with the Address Locator Style: 'General - Single Field'. In ArcMap, after I typed a valid value in the Find Address (Single Line Place Name)...

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GPX to Features Tool Error

Hello, The following error message appears when I open the GPX to Features tool in Arc Desktop 10.2.1 on a Windows 7 machine. Attachment 34772 I would appreciate any help in getting it to work again....

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