ArcGIS Map 10.1, .style file not loading.
I'm somewhat new to ArcGIS Map, however I have some spatial data from my county with a .style file and a .ttf file. I installed the fonts and imported the .style file through the style manager, however...
View ArticleLabeling Issue - Field has Pipe Delimiter
I have a text field that has 100 characters by it is delimited by a pipe character. I need to generate a field labeling expression that will stack the names but create a new line after a pipe character...
View ArticleMasking WMS (Esri Oceans Basemap) layer in ArcGIS for Desktop?
I would like to display ESRI's Oceans basemap web map service (WMS) in one of my maps, but not the whole layer, just the landmass depicting Canada as I find it a nice fit for the look I'm trying to...
View ArticleRelate Table Grayed-Out
Hi All, I'm running ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 Advanced. I have an mxd using a point feature class that contains hunting blind locations from a SDSFIE 2.6 gdb (file geodatabase). I've been given hunting data...
View ArticleError opening feature class- Number of shapes does not match the number of...
Error opening feature class- Number of shapes does not match the number of table records. I've been editing this shapefile for a couple of weeks on and off, it has 157.000 features. Yesterday when i...
View ArticleHow to add Data with different projection in one map?
Hello, my task/challenge :) is to get together different Data (wind turbine positions) from different german areas (Bundesländer-counties). I got them in different formats and don t know really with...
View ArticleNew Install 10.2.2
I'm currently running ArcMap 10.2.0 and I would like to upgrade to 10.2.2 can anyone tell me how it is running. ArcMap 10.2.0 is not running great on my computer it is crashing a lot. So I was thinking...
View ArticleArcMap 10.1 broke several kinds of Join behaviors
I just confirmed with tech support yet another behavior related to joins that worked at 10.0 and prior, but that broke with ArcMap 10.1 and later releases. You cannot join two data sources and then use...
View ArticleImporting tables from Microsoft Access
I was trying to import tables from Microsoft Access 2010 into my geodatabase, but it would not recognize any tables. I then tested an Access 2003 project, and those come in fine. Is there a reason why...
View ArticleIs it possible to select or export specific points from LAS Dataset?
I've recently run into some functionality issues with ArcGIS and LAS (LiDAR) data and wondered if anyone else who is working with LAS data might have some advice. When using the LAS Dataset toolbar,...
View Articleneed to convert Qatar Data
Hi ! So i have a excel list of QND95 coordinates, so the datum for Qatar, and i need to transform their in WGS84, do you know how can i do ? thanks
View Article-2147220990, The index passed was not within the valid range
I am using ArcMap 10.1 and using HEC GeoRAS 10.1 extension. I have successfully used a menu item for cross sections to populate elevations using a DEM in ArcGrid format. When I try to use this similar...
View ArticleArcScene, raster load delay
I am trying to load an ~ 1 GB raster of a county in Oklahoma that I downloaded from USGS data gateway (.sid). It is version 10.1 of ArcScence and I am using a 64 bit Windows 7 laptop. The best I can...
View ArticleGraduated colors graph fails
Hi, In my shapefile, there are 8700 or more rows for each polygon. After I joined with another table imported, I tried to use the feature from the joined table to draw a graduated color map. But when I...
View ArticleSelecting lines based on overlap counts
Hello all. I've run into a situation that I need some help on. I have a dataset with 100,000 lines and need to find the length of lines where there are 4 or more lines overlapping each other. I ran a...
View ArticleLicence Expiry & Extension - ArcGIS for Desktop
I am a student using a GIS Tutorial Workbook, which included an 180-day licence for ArcGIS for Desktop. Unfortunately the licence has expired. Does anyone know how I can obtain an extension on this...
View ArticleLink to Access DB from Arc via PIN
I have an access database that has all the PINs we have in our county with all the old deed references. This file is maintained daily and any time a new PIN is created a new line is added to the...
View ArticleArcGIS Online Single Sign-on (SSO) from ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2.2 ?
Hi, I have a customer who configured Enterprise log-in (SSO) for their ArcGIS Online for Organisation account using SAML. This works fine in browser environment and sign-in page provides option to...
View ArticleLegend Needs to Be Split
I have 1 item in a legend that needs to be in two different columns because it is to long and doesn't fit on a 8.5x11, The item is generated based on symbology so I cant use descriptions to break it...
View ArticleHow to create a simple map with one-to-many relations?
Dear All, I hope I have a simple problem, with which you can help me out. I am trying to make a map of firms of certain branch of industry and there is a situation that one polygon (e.g. municipality)...
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