I have a table in Oracle ( created with the below DDL:
When I try to add the table to ArcMap (10.1 SP1 build 3143) I get to the screen to select the unique identifier field(s), but it doesn’t list the ANOMALY_ID field as an option. I have read these to help articles (http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/...0000016000000/, http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/...0000005000000/) and it seems like I am doing this correctly. I have tried different variations on the Oracle type (NUMBER(10,0), NUMBER(38,0), LONG) but that doesn’t seem to make a difference. The other four fields (SOURCE_FCLASS, SOURCE_GLOBALID, DETAIL, CREATED_TMSTMP) show up as available options, and if I select one the table/layer gets added to ArcMap.
Any idea why the ANOMALY_ID field is not being displayed as a possible unique identifier field?
create table anomaly
,SOURCE_FCLASS varchar2(40)
,SOURCE_GLOBALID varchar2(40)
,DETAIL varchar2(200)
,SHAPE sde.st_geometry
Any idea why the ANOMALY_ID field is not being displayed as a possible unique identifier field?