I have a beautiful expression created with lots of help from Marcin Gasior. I wanted to add one more thing and of course am having difficulties. I am trying to label property owner, former property owner, id number and now I want to add acreage.
I cannot get it to work and am tired of spinning my wheels. I am hoping someone can tell me again what I have done wrong. Expressions are wonderful but so hard to get to work!
THe part I am trying to add is to lablel acreage over 1.999 acres be labeled and rounded, with a +/- sign.
I have an expression that this does indeed work in, but of course when I copy it over to add it, it doesnt work.
Expression worked until I added the lines:
& _vbnewline & _
“ if ([GIS_AC] > 1.999) then Round ([GIS_AC], 0) &"ac.+/- "
end if
Thanks in advance for any help.
Expression in its entirety:
I cannot get it to work and am tired of spinning my wheels. I am hoping someone can tell me again what I have done wrong. Expressions are wonderful but so hard to get to work!
THe part I am trying to add is to lablel acreage over 1.999 acres be labeled and rounded, with a +/- sign.
I have an expression that this does indeed work in, but of course when I copy it over to add it, it doesnt work.
Expression worked until I added the lines:
& _vbnewline & _
“ if ([GIS_AC] > 1.999) then Round ([GIS_AC], 0) &"ac.+/- "
end if
Thanks in advance for any help.
Expression in its entirety:
Function FindLabel ( [owner], [Former_Own] , [Taxcard_id], [GIS_AC] )
owner = Replace( [owner], "&", "and")
FindLabel = "<FNT name='California'>" & PCase( owner ) & "</FNT>" & _
vbnewline & _
"<CLR red='130' green='130' blue='130'><ITA>" & PCase( [Former_Own] ) & "</ITA></CLR>" & _
vbnewline & _
"<FNT name='Arial'><CLR red='20' green='100' blue='20'>" & [Taxcard_id] & "</CLR></FNT>" & _
vbnewline & _
“ if ([GIS_AC] > 1.999) then Round ([GIS_AC], 0) &"ac.+/- "
end if
End Function
Function PCase(strInput)
Dim iPosition
Dim iSpace
Dim strOutput
iPosition = 1
Do While InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1) <> 0
iSpace = InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1)
strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1))
strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1, iSpace - iPosition))
iPosition = iSpace + 1
strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1))
strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1))
PCase = strOutput
End Function